Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Big Fish (2005)

There comes a time when all that a man sees and feels can be put into a previously experienced category, when the fight against repetition becomes futile and life seems to go in a never ending merry-go-round that has lost its friction... its spectacle and its spectators; swirling day and night, the man sits and waits until the smile vanishes slowly and a frown creeps up into the now puckered lips; when every morning seems just like another, only less exciting and watched with cold eyes whose spark has long been doused in the distant past. Time becomes enigmatic and he refuses to look forth anymore, but wait and bide the ticks of the old watch to quickly reach a known destination, that is too far away to provide any meaningful solace. And just when he thinks all is lost and scorns at the futility of celebrating life, comes a brilliant movie that lifts the spirits up and pumps love back into life, in gallons. It all seems worthy once more and all that was required was a small spark, a little snippet of wisdom and the reassurance that men still retain the ability to create a masterpiece oozing with subtlety and brilliance. Now, love, that most ephemeral of feelings, one that National Geographic mercilessly relegated to a series of harmonal reactions inside his head, is instilled once again into a heart that seemed so barren and that, I believe, is reason enough for you to go and spend an evening enjoying the movie "Big Fish"!

ps: I had assumed all along that it was a fantasy cartoon and was eager to watch it. It turns out that I was completely wrong. And delightfully so!


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