*The rented ford races through the winding roads near santa fe, new mexico. A brown man sits behind the wheels intensely focussed on the curves ahead. We discreetly dwelve into his mind for ten short minutes. What follows is an uninteresting transcript of his neural chatter...*
he enjoys the sight of green capped mountains in the distance alright. when the green becomes white, he wants to try his luck at skiing. thoughts come and go, one after the other, in a neverending boring pattern like the knocks from the feet of a galloping horse. the car pummels its way towards its destination. nothing happens.
after exhausting pleasant memories of old friends, new friends, extinct girl friends, neat cars, fast cars and other more boring topics, his head sneaks into prohibited areas and begins to ask questions that have tortured philosophers and kings alike. he begins to think about faith and science (no..no.. not the science of faith or the faith in science. merely the contrast between "faith" and "science"):
Science is based on a set of axioms, right? Now, Godel proved in this famous theorem (circa 1920s) that in a system based on a set of axioms, one can always find a question that cannot be logically answered. Thus, no matter how mature science becomes, there will always be unanswered questions. Therein lies the conundrum.
I have heard some people say they pursue science to unravel the mysteries of nature. My point is, by the above agrument, science can never unravel all the mysteries of nature. So its a wild goose chase. So, give it up folks, go pick up your implements and start tending to your sun-flower farm.
Contrast that with faith. It is based on one rule: if something cannot be explained using your puny brain, attribute it to the greatness of God. Finished. Game over. Its a wonderful system which puts people at ease. Imagine this:
Grad student: "Argh Professor, I have been utterly puzzled about the dark matter in the universe"
Prof: "My son, all I have to say is this: Thou shalt find light in your deep faith for the dear Lord"
Thats it. No Hubbles, no research papers, no hours of coding and data crunching, no seminars, no arguments, no fights, no free-food...
Granted, a faith-based system does not provide the detailed evidence or connections that science tries to establish. But once liberated souls put their heart into it and take up faith, nothing really perturbs them. Everything becomes beautiful, complete and begins to have a purpose (to satisfy the divinity's plans, which are obviously not questionable!). All those who completely surrender themselves to a faith based belief system seem to be content and happy, which brings us to the big question: "why pursue science. why not take up faith and simply be done with it all?"