Friday, March 03, 2006

Master plan for world domination

Interview with and land a job within the company. Once you are inside, let your tail loose and begin monitoring their search records. Look for the things that people have searched in the last few months, generate a histogram and correlate it with the items they had most difficulty finding. Armed with this knowledge, begin manufacturing exactly those things that people need, in your backyard. The prime difficulty encountered in starting any business is the incapacity to know apriori if people would want to buy your product. But with the above strategy, the supply you generate will perfectly match the market demand that exists.

Until google maintains its stranglehold as the most popular search engine, you will continue to keep your fingers on the pulse of the people. Once you have enough money, you can buy out... and any other search engine that competes with google. Thus, you will never loose your position as the richest man in the world, that is until people keep searching using browsers. Pasternak, in his recent book "Quest" (the book is not recommended btw - it reeks of megalomania), argues that the distinguishing trait of a human being is its tendency to "search". Put two and two together, and you figure that people will never stop searching until they remain humans, you own and know what people are searching and you tune your products to match their needs. In Matrix parlance, you will become the Keyholder of planet earth! *evil smirk*

Rush Now! Franchising OPEN.

~ The cow with big ideas.


Blogger Selma Mirza said...

Why don't I ever get such ideas?!

I was thinking one could monitor the sitemeter and see what do people come searching for on your blog. And then start writing some more about it to dominate the search results.

Pity that I get most hits from people searching for "Sania Mirza Bra" or "Saat Phere".

Hehe, now they're all going to come here too :-)

7:38 AM  
Blogger littlecow said...

Evenstar, yours is a very fine idea, I say! I will incorporate this plan into my blog. :-)

As an aside, according to google's zeitgeist, the most searched words are
1. oscars
2. anna nicole smith
3. kirby puckett
4. june carter
5. walk the line
6. jessica alba

Now you know what to write in your blog! :-)

On a serious note, having a site counter takes away the focus from the writing and makes me monitor the numbers and given that I feel obsessed about statistics, that is no good at all! There is encouragement if the numbers swell and discouragement if they don't. My logic is, if I love writing, why should I be worried about what those inanimate number ticking counters say?!

8:08 AM  
Blogger Selma Mirza said...

You're so correct. This was the only thing I spoke about at the Mumbai meet, that bloggers should stop obsessing with numbers. But then I hardly spoke at the meet :-)

I check the sitemeter out of curiosity sometimes :-S

8:47 AM  
Blogger littlecow said...

Sometimes the person who speaks the least has the most to say... ;)

11:19 AM  

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